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Italia Empty Italia

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Vin 6 Mai 2011 - 17:45

Discuții despre Italia

Italia este un stat unitar, republică parlamentară, aflat în Europa de Sud. Ea acoperă o arie de 301.338 km² și are o climă temperată; datorită formei părții sale continentale, este denumită pe plan intern lo Stivale („Cizma”). Cu 61 de milioane de locuitori, este a cincea cea mai populată țară a Europei. Italia este o țară dezvoltată și are a treia cea mai mare economie din zona Euro și a opta din lume după PIB nominal.

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Ultima editare efectuata de catre Beauty in Dum 26 Ian 2020 - 17:31, editata de 2 ori

Number of posts : 2697
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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Italia Empty Re: Italia

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Vin 6 Mai 2011 - 17:48


Number of posts : 2697
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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Italia Empty Re: Italia

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Dum 26 Ian 2020 - 12:15


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Number of posts : 2697
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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Italia Empty Re: Italia

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Dum 26 Ian 2020 - 12:21

The Rape of the Sabine Women, Florence

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Number of posts : 2697
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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Italia Empty Re: Italia

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Dum 26 Ian 2020 - 12:34

The Basilica di Santa Croce (Basilica of the Holy Cross) is the principal Franciscan church in Florence, Italy. It is situated on the Piazza di Santa Croce, about 800 meters south-east of the Duomo.  It is the burial place of some of the most illustrious Italians, such as Michelangelo, Galileo, Machiavelli, the poet Foscolo, the philosopher Gentile and the composer Rossini, thus it is known also as the Temple of the Italian Glories (Tempio dell'Itale Glorie).

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Galileo’s tomb in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence

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Number of posts : 2697
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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Italia Empty Re: Italia

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Dum 26 Ian 2020 - 13:07


Leaning Tower of Pisa

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Pisa Cathedral is a medieval Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, in the Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa, Italy. It is a notable example of Romanesque architecture, in particular the style known as Pisan Romanesque. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Pisa.

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Number of posts : 2697
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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Italia Empty Re: Italia

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Dum 26 Ian 2020 - 17:42

Mark Twain a scris:Now, where is the use of allowing all those riches to lie idle, while half of that community hardly know, from day to day, how they are going to keep body and soul together? And, where is the wisdom in permitting hundreds upon hundreds of millions of francs to be locked up in the useless trumpery of churches all over Italy, and the people ground to death with taxation to uphold a perishing Government?
As far as I can see, Italy, for fifteen hundred years, has turned all her energies, all her finances, and all her industry to the building up of a vast array of wonderful church edifices, and starving half her citizens to accomplish it. She is to-day one vast museum of magnificence and misery.

The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain (1869)

Number of posts : 2697
Localizare : in iad
Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Italia Empty Re: Italia

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