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Grammar Empty Grammar

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Mar 5 Oct 2010 - 23:14

Learn English

English alphabet

a[ei]    b[bi:]   c[si:]  d[di:]  e[i:]  f[ef]   g[dji:]  h[eitch]  i[ai]   j[gei]   k[kei]    l[el]   m[em]   n[en]   o[ou]   p[pi:]   q[kju:]  r[a:]

s[es]   t[ti:]     u[ju:]   v[vi:]  w['dablju:]   x[eks]    y[wai]    z[zed]

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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Grammar Empty Re: Grammar

Mesaj Scris de basaru Mar 13 Mar 2012 - 20:39

Present Simple Tense

We use the present simple for things that are true in general, or for things that happen sometimes or all the time:

She likes black tea.
I start work at 9 o'clock and finish at 5:30.
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
We usually visit our friends on the weekend.

After he/she/it an "s" is added to the verb as in these examples:

She speaks excellent French.
He sometimes calls her "my darling".
It makes perfect sense to me.

To make a negative sentence we use the following structure:

subject (I/you/we/they) + auxiliary verb (don't) + main verb (infinitive)
subject (he/she/it) + auxiliary verb (doesn't) + main verb (infinitive)


I don't speak Chinese.
You don't work very hard.
She doesn't call me every day.

To make a question we also use do after I/you/we/they and does after he/she/it:

Do you speak Chinese?
Does she work here?
What do you do for a living?
How do you usually get to work?


masculin Number of posts : 2952
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Registration date : 04/09/2006

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Grammar Empty Re: Grammar

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Joi 15 Mar 2012 - 20:55

Express the Future

going to
This way you can express a personal intention or make a prediction about what you know/feel/see as in these sentences:
I am going to stop smoking this year. The sea is going to be very rough this afternoon, so don't go swimming.

Future Simple
Back to "will" and "shall". With these two words plus the infinitive of a verb you can express: a future fact, a sudden decision, an offer, a threat, a promise, an opinion about the future, a probability especially after think, suppose, expect, doubt if.

Tomorrow will be my birthday.
It's all right I'll get the shopping.
I will take you in the car if you like.
I'll stand by you whatever happens.
I suppose we'll manage without the car.

Present Continuous
This is almost the same as "going to" but it's not quite as personal.

The Government is thinking about introducing a new law.

Present Simple
We use this when we are thinking of the certain future, something already arranged as in a timetable or programme:

Your train leaves in ten minutes.

Is to/Are to
These are used to express an instruction or something arranged officially.

The finance ministers are to meet next month to discuss the crisis.

About to/Due to
We use these when we want to describe actions that are expected to happen, usually fairly soon.

The 100 metre race is about to start any minute now.

Number of posts : 2697
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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Grammar Empty Re: Grammar

Mesaj Scris de basaru Mar 1 Apr 2014 - 23:21

How to ask questions correctly in English
– Embedded Questions

Встроенные вопросы в английском языке

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masculin Number of posts : 2952
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Registration date : 04/09/2006

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Grammar Empty Re: Grammar

Mesaj Scris de gothu Sam 10 Ian 2015 - 17:48

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masculin Number of posts : 85
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Grammar Empty Re: Grammar

Mesaj Scris de gothu Sam 10 Ian 2015 - 17:51

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masculin Number of posts : 85
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Registration date : 05/12/2014

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Grammar Empty Re: Grammar

Mesaj Scris de basaru Sam 13 Feb 2016 - 0:02

Viitorul Simplu ( Simple Future )

Viitorul Simplu se formeaza cu auxiliarul will urmat de infinitivul verbului de conjugat.

1. Forma afirmativa:

I will come
You will come
He will come
We will come
You will come
They will come

2. Forma interogativa :

Will I come ?
Will you come ?
Will he come ?
Will we come ?
Will you come ?
Will they come ?

3. Forma negativa :

I will not come
You will not come
He will not come
We will not come
You will not come
They will not come

4. Forma interogativ-negativa

Will I not come ?
Will you not come ?
Will he not come ?
Will we not come ?
Will you not come ?
Will they not come ?

B. INTREBUINTARE (cand folosim acest aspect al Viitorului in vorbire)

1. Viitorul Simplu il folosim in legatura cu asteptari, predictii, opinii sau presupuneri care se vor desfasura in viitor.

Don't worry. She'll come back. Nu te ingrijora. Se va intoarce.
My son will be ten next month. Fiul meu va implini zece ani luna viitoare.

2. Viitorul Simplu se foloseste pentru a descrie actiuni obisnuite ce vor avea loc in viitor.

Drivers will always have to pay their speed tickets. Soferii intotdeauna vor trebui sa-si achite amenzile pentru depasirea vitezei.
Babies will be born and old people will die, as usual. Copii tot se vor naste, si batranii se vor stinge, ca de obicei.

3. Viitorul Simplu se foloseste in cadrul propozitiilor conditionale de tip 1, precum si in propozitii temporale.

We will punish him if he does it again. Il vom pedepsi daca va mai face acel lucru din nou.
He will come home when he finishes his work. El va veni acasa dupa ce isi va termina treaba.

4. Viitorul Simplu se foloseste pentru a descrie actiuni ce exprima intentia (mai ales cele luate in momentul deciziei).

I will have some Pepsi, please. As dori un Pepsi, va rog.
I like this car. I will buy it. Imi place aceasta masina. O voi cumpara.

masculin Number of posts : 2952
Age : 84
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Registration date : 04/09/2006

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Grammar Empty Re: Grammar

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Dum 28 Feb 2016 - 1:06

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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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Grammar Empty Re: Grammar

Mesaj Scris de basaru Vin 12 Aug 2016 - 12:44

in vs. into

When you use in, you’re indicating position.
Her iPod was in her pocket.

When you use into in a sentence, you’re indicating movement; an action is happening.
She stuffed her iPod into her backpack.

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masculin Number of posts : 2952
Age : 84
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Hobby : Basarabean
Registration date : 04/09/2006

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Grammar Empty Re: Grammar

Mesaj Scris de Beauty Joi 19 Aug 2021 - 13:37

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Number of posts : 2697
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Registration date : 09/10/2006

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